Monday, August 6, 2012

Manicure Monday: Nail Care

For todays Manicure Monday I'm going to feature a nail care product I swear by, and as I have work experience all week my nails are bare apart from this product. This wonder product is OPI Nail Envy, I have the matte version, but the original is just as amazing!

Since I am a bit of a nail polish addict and tend to continuously paint my nails with them barely seeing daylight, they became discoloured and weak, and were very prone to splitting. And then I found OPI Nail Envy and it didn't take long to notice the results, I would say about 2 week after I started using this I notice my nails improving in strength and they overall looked healthier. For a month I used this product as directed, 2 coats first of all then an additional coat every other day for a week, then remove it and repeat, and my nails were long for the first time and felt stronger, didn't bend as much as they did and I got less splits. I have to mention for this month I didn't paint my nails at all, which may also contributed to this result, but I do think using Nail Envy played the biggest part in the improvement.

I now use this all the time, and as you can see my bottle is running low and I will definately be buying a replacement. I think I will stick to the matte finish as I have got on really well with this and I'm not overly keen on very shiny natural nails, which is what the original version finish has. OPI Nail Envy also comes in more specialist treatments, for example there is one for sensitive and peeling nails, I haven't tried any of these, but if they are anything like the matte one I have then this might be the answer to save your nails. Or even if they need a bit of TLC after nail painting, I would definitely recommend using Nail Envy to restore you nails, it also works very well as a base coat, I also put two coats of this before I paint my nails, but I then also use a base coat (post coming soon) as Nail Envy is more of a treatment for me and at £18.55 it would be a very expensive base coat, but as a use as a treatment it's worth every penny.

Have you tried OPI Nail Envy? Has it worked on your nails? What other nail care treatments do you use?


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